I realize that my last post was in June or July or some ungodly amount of months ago. But I literally couldn't help it. There were lots of weddings this summer, and lots of work at my office and lots of business about. But I'm happy now to be settling into Fall. Fall is my favorite of all seasons, and not just because my birthday happens to occur during it. I love the crisp smelling air, the ability to wear sweatshirts, and the overall feeling. The freshness of starting a new school year (even though I haven't done that in a few years now) and the idea of getting ready for the long winter ahead.
So, today's return shot was taken while I was out doing one of my favorite fall activities, Pumpkin Picking! As it turns out, my good friend Maria (one of the many married folks from the summer) had never been pumpkin picking before! It was amazing to watch her take in the whole experience - from picking a wagon, to holding her first pumpkin, to feeding some of the animals at the petting zoo. It was a great day. And we topped it all off with baking a pie, watching a movie and just enjoying each other's company.
While walking through the farm on the way to the pumpkin patch, I caught some of the leaves changing on the trees. Not too many have fallen yet, but I know soon my car will be blanketed with the yellow and orange leaves soon enough.