I love phones. I think about getting a new phone all the time. Whatever is hot and new, I want it. But alas, Verizon only does "new every 2" not "new every time Monica feels like getting a new phone."
But I love phones, and I use my camera phone quite often. Usually to take a picture of my friends so that when they call I don't see a bland number, but rather their smiling face. But I also use it to capture inside jokes in action. For example, Bolo Ties are hilarious to me, especially when worn in places other than Texas - hence the one photo I have of a man with a bolo tie, eating in a diner on Long Island. I also have pictures of random people on bicycles wearing yellow spandex (because I yell LANCE! whenever I see them), common "FAIL-isms" (ie a door that leads nowhere). But mostly, I take pictures of things I want to have as my phone's wallpaper.
And, with a pretty decent camera phone (2.0 megapixels!) I can get some good shots. The larger versions are kind of pixelated, but they look great on a phone. If you have my number, feel free to text me and I'll send you one of them for your own phone.
Below are some of my favorites:
Jamaica Station - I had to "change at Jamaica" a few weeks ago, when I left work early. Standing on the platform, I loved the light through the clouds.
Orient Point - While spending the weekend with friends we took a walk to a small boat loading dock and I snapped this picture in the morning light.
Turtles - Our office currently houses two turtles. Want one? They're dangerously close in that cage. Please, don't call the ASPCA on us.
Brooklyn Bridge - As seen from South Street Seaport. A few friends and I went to see a free concert down there last summer. And while enjoying some pre-show cocktails, I shot this.
Cake Pops - I love to chronicle my baking exploits. I have more camera phone pictures of various cupcakes than anything else I think. These were particularly ambitious of me. Recipe is found here
Cube Toys - Anyone who has visited my office will notice that it's decorated. A LOT. My friend Kelli sent me these toys, which are found inside KinderEggs. I have about 18 now.
Empire State Building - I've never seen it purple and yellow before.
Golden Gate Bridge - this shot is actually from my old Razr phone, text messaged to my mom's Razr and then text messaged almost two years later from her phone to my new phone. Technology at work. Taken while on the Blue and Gold Fleet Cruise.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Camera-Phoning it in
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2:37 PM